Uploading an Asset via FTP (Watch Folder)
If you need the access credentials for your FTP Watch Folder, please reach out to your Sardius Account Manager or the Support Team, and we will be happy to provide those to you.
Adding an asset to your Sardius Control Panel account can be a bit tricky if you don't know how to do it, but luckily, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need.
For assets smaller than 1 GB in size, you can upload those directly into the Control Panel. Simply follow the guide you find here.
For any assets 1 GB in size and larger, you will need to use one of the Sardius Watch Folders. This tutorial will walk you through uploading an asset via FTP using any FTP upload program.
The biggest difference between uploading via FTP or some other method is the ability to tag your asset with metadata and pre-approve it for viewing upon upload.
Uploading Via FTP
The first step to uploading is to open your program of choice for FTP uploads. If you don't already have a favorite, we recommend CyberDuck.
Fill out the Server, Username & password, and you're in. That information will be provisioned by Sardius and provided to you. Once provisioned, a pdf with the login instructions will be saved to your Assets within the Sardius Control Panel.
Accepted File Types
Now, what can you upload?
In order to upload properly, the file must be in one of the following file types:
- mp4
- mov
- mp3
Default Publish Profiles
Regardless of the file type you upload, how you upload it will determine the way it imports into the Sardius Control Panel.
Once connected via CyberDuck (or the uploader of your choice), you will see a list of folders named for various publishing profiles. The Control Panel has a few publishing profiles that come standard, and uploading to the correct folder will automatically convert your file into the coordinating profile/file type. Simply drag and drop the file into the folder of the desired profile and our cloud transcoder will convert the file as it imports. The title of the asset will be the file name inside the Control Panel, unless otherwise indicated.
Accepted Publish Profiles:
The below profiles are listed below as they would be found as folder names within the FTP uploading program, along with a description to help you choose which file type is right for your needs.
hls: HTTP Live Streaming, or HLS, is a live streaming protocol that is the industry standard. This file type is for streaming only.
hls-enhanced: The same use and quality as above, but the enhanced version takes a little less time to process.
mp4: The industry standard for downloadable videos. If you plan to share the asset in the future, consider this file type. Also used for certain streaming, like Advanced SimLive to social media.
mp4-enhanced: The same use and quality as above, but the enhanced version takes a little less time to process.
import: This imports the file as-is, with no publishing.
audio: Files published through the audio folder will import as an MP3 file.
Account-Specific Custom Publish Profiles
Per request, additional folders and profiles can be created to help streamline your particular work flow. For example, a profile can be created for HLS & Mp4, in order to create both file types with one upload.
In order to access this or have a custom profile added to your account, please inquire with your account manager.
Helpful Tip: If uploading an Mp4 file into an HLS folder, the Mp4 version will not carry over. Only an HLS will be available within the system. Transcoding from HLS to Mp4 is possible once the asset has been loaded into the Control Panel.
IMPORTANT: The original file will only stay within the watch folder for seven days before being deleted.