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Release 1.38

Welcome to Sardius Control Panel Release 1.38!

Released October 2nd, 2023


Table of Contents

Featured Update

Social Media Event Scheduling

With this latest update, we are pleased to announce a feature that many have requested: The ability to schedule social media events prior to going live. That's right! Now, using our API outputs to social media, you can announce to your viewers that there's a stream coming anywhere between 1 day and 1 week away.



This feature is easily triggered and customized from the event itself by selecting the little icon on the top right of the output on the Streaming tab. You can also automate this process through the Channel Stream defaults, and information entered within the Sardius Control Panel calendar will carry over to the respective social media platforms.

In addition, if you want to see how many events are pre-scheduled, you can easily access that by selecting the output in the Outputs field of the Control Panel.

For a full walk-thru of the new feature, including learning how to set it up, click here.

Pending Events

A new feature for this update is our Pending Events, which is quite helpful if you have multiple departments within your organization or users who want to stream an event but don't have access to the Sardius Control Panel.

The Pending Events feature allows an administrator to create a submission form that can be posted externally, like a separate webpage, where someone looking to create an event can fill out a quick form requesting to add an event to the calendar. 

The submission is sent to an admin who will review it and then will have a choice to approve or deny the request.



To read more about this feature, click here. If you feel this feature is right for your organization, please reach out to your Account Manager for additional details.

All Updates

Player Stats

Previously, the analytics area within the Control Panel would provide stats on the top ten most viewed assets on your account. Now, users have the ability to choose which asset they would like to see the stats for.


The "Choose Assets" button allows users to select one or more assets to view the analytics on. Each asset will be given its own color, and if any stats are available for it, will be displayed on the chart below.

Social Media Tab

User Interface changes have been added to the Social tab under Channel Settings to provide clarity to the various fields.


Titles have been added to select text fields to provide clarification for text input:




Importing an asset from a link looks a little different now. Those who are familiar with importing an asset, such as from a public URL, will no longer have to wonder about the progress bar when importing a file. Previously, the bar would jump from 25% to 50% to 100%. With this update, the progress bar gives a more granular progression.


If you have any questions about these updates or would like to request a demo of a feature, please reach out to your Sardius Account Manager.