Pending Events
The Pending Events feature is turned off on accounts by default. To inquire about turning on this feature for your account, please contact your Account Manager.
The Pending Events feature will allow members of your organization an opportunity to add an event to the Sardius Calendar without having access to the Control Panel. An event to be streamed is requested and a user with admin privileges will approve or deny the request.
Setting Up the Request Form
Before someone can request an event to be setup, a Control Panel user will need to set up the form. To access the Pending Events area within the Sardius Control Panel, simply click Pending Events at the top of the left-hand menu bar.
Clicking on Pending Events will take you into the Pending Events section. There, you will see three options: Pending List, Edit Form, and Settings. Click on the Edit Form tab.
Note: Only Owner roles or custom roles given permission for Pending Events will see this field within the Control Panel.
First, enter a title for the Event Submission form. Next, add a subtitle. iFrame height and width can be adjusted to suit your needs, depending on where and how the Submission form will be displayed. Optional fields for Room Organizer and Event Description can be added, if you choose.
Depending on the amount of Channels within the Control Panel that your organization has, you may want to limit the number of Channels that submissions can be submitted for. You can select as few or as many as you'd like.
You can also choose which timezones are allowed, depending on your region or your organization.
Once you save the form, you will notice any changes made will appear in the form preview on the right side of the screen. When you're satisfied, simply click the Copy Embed Code button and paste the code into the website of your choice.
Submitting an Event Request
The Pending Events feature allows an administrator to create a submission form that can be posted externally, like a separate webpage, where someone looking to create an event can fill out a quick form requesting to add an event to the calendar.
The request form is designed to be an iframe and inserted or embedded into a webpage that can be accessed according to the user's preferences, whether internal or external.
Requesters will fill out the form with their name and email address, the event's title, timezone, start time and duration. The event's end time is not chosen, rather the submitted dictates how long the event should be. If you chose to add the Room Organizer or Event Description fields to the form, those will appear as options to fill out, also. Lastly, the Channel where the event should appear is selected. Submitters will click the box to prove they aren't a robot, and they will click the Request Event button at the bottom.
From here, the submission is sent to an admin or manager to approve or deny.
The person that submit the request for the event will get an email letting them know that their event has been submitted.
Who Approves or Denies?
This is where you choose who gets the power.
Like the Event Submission form, this will need to be setup in advance. You can do so under the Settings tab in the Pending Events section.
The email addresses of Control Panel Admins or custom roles you have setup will need to be added here in order for them to approve or deny a request. These email addresses need to be added into the box at the top. Enter as many addresses as you'd like, but separate them with commas. Then hit the Update List button.
Below, under the Current Emails heading, you will see a current list of those given power to approve or deny a request. These people will need to have a login for the Sardius Control Panel. Should you ever choose to remove someone, simply click the Trash icon to the right of their name. Always save the list when finished making changes.
Approving or Denying a Request
The submission is sent to the email addresses that were set up in the previous step. Those managers will have the ability to approve or deny the requests.
Under the Pending List tab, an Owner can view all requests that have been submitted. The status of events will either be Approved, Denied, or Pending.
Selecting Approve will automatically create the event on the Channel within the Sardius Control Panel that the requester chose on their submission form, using the Event Description, the Event Title, start time and duration that was submitted on the form. The event will be created using the default Stream Settings that were previously setup.
Whether approving or denying an event, the Owner is able to send a message back to the person that submit the request.
To inquire about enabling the Pending Events feature for your organization, please contact your Account Manager.