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Manual Sardius Stream Set Up

This walkthrough will guide you through the process of configuring your un-paired encoder to send an RTMPS or SRT feed to your channel using Sardius Stream. 

This article will focus on creating an event on a Sardius channel using Sardius Stream, but you can also edit upcoming events that already exist on your calendar. You can also 


Sardius Channel Configuration

1. Access your Sardius Channel and select "Stream" on the sidebar. 

2. Click "Set defaults"



3. In Step 1 of the Modal, select “Sardius Stream” as your source type.

4. In Step 2 of the Modal, select “Manual”

5. If your encoder will be connecting via RTMPS, copy the RTMP Stream URL and RTMP Stream Key to your clipboard. 

Or, if your encoder will connect via SRT, copy the SRT Stream URL to your clipboard.

Immediately paste this in a Word document or text editor.



6. Click “Next” on the Modal. 
7. In Step 4 of the Modal, select any linked or unlinked outputs you wish to use for this stream. Click Next. 
8. Review your settings, then click Finish.



In most cases, you will not be able to use the SRT URL you are provided in whole. Some encoders will combine the Destination address and the port, but force the passphrase to be placed in a different field. Some encoders also do not use the stream ID. 

In your text editor, where you pasted your SRT Stream URL, we now need to break this URL apart into our necessary fields. 


URL Breakdown:

srt:// {URL} : {PORT} ?passphrase= {KEY} &streamid= {STREAM ID}

Our example:


From our example, we have:
  • URL:
  • Port: 778
  • Key: 1fdb497c5f8ec88ec9898c22a026ce14k7f50d77bad9201e8b85ebf9d1b2e86a7
  • Stream ID: 7f50d77bad9201e8b85ebf9d1b2e86a7


IMPORTANT: By default, Sardius channels are created with 3-digit ports. Some Sardius Stream channels may require a 4-digit port to operate. As you go through the process below and you notice that your channel has a 3-digit port, please contact Sardius Support to have a 4-digit port assigned to your channel.


Encoder Configuration

Using the URL, Key, and other information provided, set up your encoder's configuration accordingly. 

Be sure to follow our Recommended Encoder Settings for your device to ensure maximum compatibility with our system.

When complete, save your configuration. Start your encoder to begin streaming to the Sardius Control Panel.


Verify the Connection

Return to the Sardius Control Panel and create an Event on your calendar. Once the Live Event Manager starts, you should see video in the player. 
If you see a stream in the player, you have confirmed that your encoder is connected to your Sardius channel!

Note: For best results, be sure that your event time will start AFTER your encoder starts to send to your event.