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Adding a Calendar Event

Channels are dynamically controlled by calendar events.  The site will use its respective calendar to determine when to show specific content on the page to viewers, based on your scheduled events in the site's calendar.



Access Your Calendar

To access your calendar, click on Channels in the Control Panel. Next, find your Channel and either hover on the card for the “Go to Calendar” option or click the Calendar icon at the bottom of the card which enables the “Customize Channel” option.


 accessCalendar xAmuhXSdD65aXzcs3F7phqkBgR5yMi1FiQ

This will take you to your calendar to schedule an event or set your Event Window.





Helpful Tip: An Event Window can be used in two ways: to specify a custom date range (example: for a Live Event) or as a query setup for your schedule in Sardius.Live (how many days/events to show in the schedule). If you do not use the custom date range option for an event, then the gold bar will not be displayed on your calendar as noted in the example below.

The Event Window is displayed below as an example of a Live Event. You will see the window at the top of your calendar (noted as the gold bar below). This window is generally set when you create your Channel. You can update your Event Window under Channel Settings  






Creating a Calendar Event

You can create a calendar event by one of the following options: (similar to Google Calendar or other digital calendars) 
  1. Click on Add Event under the calendar 
  2. Click on your preferred time in the calendar 
  3. Click on the blue Add event on the top right of the screen





Creating a One Time Event

Now that you have selected Add Event, you can create a one time event by entering the Event name, date and time. Next, determine if the event will repeat. If not, you can add additional details for the event or click Add event to save the event.




Example of One Time Event




Creating a Repeat Event

To create an event that repeats, toggle ON and select if it will repeat daily, weekly, or monthly. Next, add the end repeat date (you will also have the option to Remove end date). Next, you can Add event to continue or Add more details. 







Example of Repeat Events




Editing an Event

To edit an event, click on the under the calendar or click on the event.
Next, select Edit. 




Once you click Edit, now you have the ability to edit your scheduled event





Once you have made your edits, click on Save



Note: If you are editing a recurring event, once you create a repeat event, you cannot change the repeat type (daily, weekly, monthly). You can stop this event from repeating and duplicate it to change its repeat type without losing any content.


Calendar Tips

If you would like to Duplicate or Delete a calendar event, simply click on the hamburger and select the desired action.
To preview your event, click on the Preview button




Another option available to Duplicate or Delete a calendar event, click on the hamburger on the calendar page and select the desired action



Deleting a Calendar Event

You can delete a single event or recurring events by clicking on the hamburger as noted above.
A recurring event will give you the option to delete the current event, all events, or this event and all of the following.



Note, that once you delete an event, the data will be lost and you will not be able to recover the information 




Viewing Your Channel's Schedule

By clicking on the schedule in the left pane (under the calendar) you will have access to edit the event details



When an event is LIVE, the calendar event will be red, and the Live Event Manager will appear above the calendar.