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Schedule Your Event in Advance on Facebook and YouTube


The Sardius Control Panel allows you to schedule events up to 7 days in advance to your Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. When this option is utilized, the Control Panel will:

  • Create an event post on your Facebook page that your audience can like, comment, and RSVP to.
  • At the time of the event, Sardius will create a live stream on your Facebook Page for your followers to view.
  • Create an "upcoming" event on your YouTube channel that your audience can interact with, and choose if they want to be notified when the event goes live.
  • At the time of the event, Sardius will send your streaming feed to that upcoming event and automatically start it for your subscribers and viewers.


Note: This feature is only available to clients who are using Sardius Stream or Advanced SimLive, and who connect to Facebook and YouTube using the API outputs. This feature is not available for standard RTMP and SRT outputs.

IMPORTANT: This feature is not compatible with Facebook Groups at this time.


Set Your Output Defaults

We recommend that all Sardius Channels have a default configuration for their streaming workflows. Your channel may already have these defaults established, and your social media outputs already connected. We can alter these defaults to provide a default social scheduling workflow.

Locate your channel and access it. Then click "Stream" on the sidebar. 

Here, we see that this channel already has a streaming device paired, and has the channel stream web player, and the Facebook and YouTube Outputs. 




To set your social schedule defaults:

1. Click on Change Default Settings

2. In the modal that appears, keep clicking "Next" in order to advance to Step 4. 



3. Click on the calendar icon located on the Output.

4. Select how many days in advance you would like your events to be scheduled on your desired platform.



5. Click Next

6. Click Finish, and your settings will be saved and applied.

Be aware that:

  • Outputs can be schedule up to 7 days in advance.
  • You can remove this schedule at any time without removing the output

Note: Any changes to your Channel's streaming defaults will not be applied to any event that is already scheduled on the Channel's calendar. This is a safety feature as to not accidentally override any event with its own custom settings.


Customize Event Settings

This section will cover:

  • Scheduling your event to appear on your social media channels
  • Customizing the event's name, description, and image through your Sardius Channel.


Schedule the Output

1. Locate your event on your calendar and click on it.

2. Select the "Edit" button.



3. Click on the "Streaming" tab

4. Select the calendar icon on the output card. 

5. Select how many days in advance you'd like this event to appear on your social media platform. 

6. Click "Save" to apply the changes. 



Once the update is complete, you can visit your social media platform to see the event scheduled on the platform.





Customize Event Name, Description, and Image

The Facebook and YouTube Outputs allow for select information to be forwarded to your social media platforms:

Item Facebook YouTube
Date & Time Yes Yes
Title Yes Yes
Description Yes Yes
Image/Thumbnail Yes No
  • Event Title: Edit your event. On the Event Details Tab, enter in a new title and click Save. 

  • Event Description: Edit your event. On the Event Details tab, scroll down to the bottom and locate the "Description" box. Enter in a description and click Save.

  • Event Image: Edit your event. On the Event Details tab, scroll down and locate the "Event Image" option. You can upload a new image, or select one from your library. When you are finished, click Save.

After any of these are changed, you can return to your social media platform to view the changes. 

IMPORTANT: Any update to the event on the Sardius Calendar will update your event information on your social channels. For example, if you customized your Event Title through Facebook's editor, and you later update the Sardius event, the title Sardius has for your event will replace the title you created on Facebook. Note that Sardius will only update the information that is shown in the table above.


Checking Scheduled Events

If you have multiple events scheduled during the week, you can easily check to see what events are already scheduled to your social media platforms.

Simply go into the "Output" area of the Control Panel and select the output you'd like to check.



Click the stacked dots in the top right of the "Output" screen. Under Scheduled Events, you can already see how many are scheduled.



To see what the events are, click on Scheduled Events, and the modal that appears will display the title and information for each scheduled event.
