Rock RMS - Sardius Media Feed Sync
A Sardius Media Feed can be integrated with your Rock RMS account in order sync Feed assets and metadata from Sardius Media to Rock RMS.
Rock RMS version 13.0 or above is required in order to use the Sardius Media Feed Sync plugin.
To add a Rock RMS connection:
- Set up a Feed in Sardius Media Control Panel -> Feeds
Article on How to Create a Feed - After you have set up your Feed and added the assets you want to the Feed - copy the public Feed URL.
- In another tab, log in to your organization's instance of Rock RMS
- On the sidebar open the Admin Tools panel and select Rock Shop.
- Search for the Sardius Media Feed Sync plugin and click Install.
- Open the Admin Tools panel and click CMS Configuration.
- Click Media Accounts.
- Click the + icon to add a new Media Account.
- Enter a Name, set the Account Type to Sardius Media Account, and past the public Feed URL into the Sardius Feed URL field.
- Choose whether or not you want to update existing media on sync.
- Click Save.
Note: Selecting YES will add new media to the media folder in Rock and update the metadata on existing media to match Sardius Media. Selecting NO will add new media to the media folder in Rock and remove any deleted media.
After adding a Sardius Media Account, media sync will ocur at an interval of every two hours. If you would like to manually initiate a media sync, you can do so from the Media Account you jsut added. To manually initiate a media sync, click the download icon under the Sardius Media logo.
Important: Deleting your Feed used for the Rock RMS Connection in Sardius Media Control Panel invalidates the Feed URL and deauthorizes media sync. The media folder and previously synced media in Rock are not removed automatically. To remove this content, the corresponding Rock Media Account must be manually deleted.