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Individual Viewer Information

In the Viewers area, you can find the following information for each Viewer Account:

  • Profile: Update Viewer Account Status, review Access info or Create a Magic Link. Basic Profile metadata is consolidated here during authentication. 

Note: If using the Sardius Registration system, profile metadata will include Contact Info and other customized fields you have provided. If using another registration system/authentication process this will include information that is part of your customized integration or authentication process.

  • Email History: Sardius email communication with Viewer (ie. Purchase confirmation email if using Sardius Registration). Note: Not applicable for authentication integrations. 
  • Media History: How Viewers engaged with specific media content on Channels/Event Watch Pages they have access to.
  • Transaction History: Transactions that have occurred within the Sardius Registration System. Details of completed, incomplete, and pending transactions can be found here. Note: Not applicable for authentication integrations. 
  • Active Sessions: Shows token information when Viewers are currently accessing media content on a Channel/Event Watch Page and gives info about how they are consuming content (ie. Device operating system/browser info). Note: This may be helpful for customer support teams helping Viewers troubleshoot technical issues. 


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A Viewer’s Profile consists of the following:
  • Account Information- Email, First Name, Last Name

Helpful Tip: Because email addresses are the primary way Sardius Media can confirm authentication of a Viewer (ie. confirm they should have access to a specific Viewer Segment), email addresses cannot be changed once someone has created their account on the platform.

  • Custom Metadata- either collected through Sardius Registration or sent as part of a registration integration
  • External User Information- only relevant to registration integrations; may include External ID, Event ID or External Token info
  • Magic Link Option- a direct access link for a Viewer 
  • Account Status and Access Info
In addition to account information and custom metadata, you will find this other important information on the Profile tab of a Viewers account:
Viewer Account Status:
  • Defaults to Active when a Viewer account is created. 


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Helpful Tip: To permanently remove a Viewers access, change the status to Deactivated. This removes ALL access across all Viewer Segments.

  • This shows all Viewer Segments the Viewer currently has access to. 
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Helpful Tip: To confirm whether someone has confirmed access to a Viewer Segment, check the Account Access to ensure it is listed there. If it is not, then the complete authentication (ie. registration) process has not been completed.

To remove a Viewer’s access from a specific Viewer Segment delete it from the field here by clicking on the “X” beside the Viewer Segment Name. When you see it disappear from the Access field, be sure to then “Update Viewer.”


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External User Information

If you are using an integration with another registration system, Sardius will pull in some External Info from that system on the Viewer Account. 

When an account includes this type of integration, you may see the External User Information populated with the following, depending on the specific set-up.

  • External Token-  the token authorization assigned by another (non-Sardius) registration system. Primarily seen with External Token integrations. 
  • External Event ID- the ID assigned to an event when another (non-Sardius) registration system is used.Primarily seen with custom integrations.
  • User ID- an identification number Sardius assigns to a user when a Viewer is created. Primarily seen with custom integrations.


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Creating a Magic Link

There will be times when you want to give a Viewer quick and easy access to a Channel or Watch Page. You can use the “Magic Link” option to do so through a one-click option. 

To learn more about how to do this, visit the Creating a Magic Link article.



Email History

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The Email History area shows emails sent from the Sardius Control Panel. This could include Password Rest emails or Confirmation Emails if you are using the Sardius Registration system. If you are using another path for authentication purposes, this section may not contain any data.  


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Helpful Tip: Sardius only sends out one Confirmation Email to a user when he/she completes registration- no subsequent emails are sent from our system.


Media History

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A Viewer’s Media History is populated by our analytics engine that captures information based on what Viewers are watching on a Channel or Watch Page. Since this is tied directly to our player, all analytics here reflect how a Viewer interacted with video content on a site.  
A Viewer’s Media History includes information on: 
  • How users have accessed video content
  • Where they have watched from 
  • What they have watched


Helpful Tip: To see additional details, use the filter options to expand or isolate further the query range.

For more information on how to interpret the analytics shown here, please reference the Analytics-Player Stats Guide article.


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Transaction History

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If you are using the Sardius Registration system, all Transaction History for this Viewer will be found here. 


Note: If using an integration for authentication, this will not be populated.

This section includes information about purchased tickets, cost of those tickets,  redemption or promo codes used, and method of payment. 
  • Primary Ticket- ticket purchased for this Viewer 
  • Additional Purchases-  ticket purchases made by this Viewer for someone else. Note: Redemption codes must be used to redeem additional purchases and gain full access.
  • Payment Info- depicts the Total paid by the user, the method of payment and date of transaction


Helpful Tip: If any DONATIONS were included in the transaction, they will also appear as a separate line item in the Transaction History.

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Incomplete Transactions

If someone has NOT COMPLETED the entire Sardius Registration process (which requires that they complete the transaction/payment part of the process), the transaction status will show as INCOMPLETE on the individual Viewer account: 


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Active Sessions

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When a Viewer is actively consuming video content on a site, active token information related to their active sessions can be found here. 

This gives insight into how a Viewer is accessing the content by displaying their Device, Operating System and Browser information.

If necessary, it is possible to Remove the Devices with current access, Revoke Active Sessions or Clear All Devices with access on the Viewer account. 

Helpful Tip: This could be helpful to your Customer Support teams when assisting Viewers with troubleshooting technical issues.

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Remove Device- forces a Viewer off the Active Session from a specific Device being used. When used, the Viewer will see an option to Re-activate the device in order to gain access again to the session:


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Revoke All Sessions-  forces a Viewer off all Active Sessions. When used, the Viewer is forced to log back in to regain access.
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Clear Devices-  forces a Viewer off all active devices accessing the session. When used, the Viewer will see an option to Re-activate the device in order to gain access again to the session:


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Helpful Tip: None of these options will permanently revoke Viewer access. If you need to remove a Viewer’s access, and not allow them to reconnect, you should Deactivate their Viewer Account Status in the Profile tab.