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Creating Magic Links

Magic Links are found within the Profile tab of an individual Viewer’s account. 

Note: It is important that you first verify the user should have access to that specific Viewer Segment prior to sending a Magic Link.

To access the Magic Link feature, go to the right side of the Viewer account and find the Create Magic Link area. 

Click on “Generate Login Link”.

Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 5.01.13 PM.png

You will see a small spinning wheel appear, as the link is created. Once the link has been created, it will appear below the button you just clicked.

Click directly on the string of information that appears & copy it to your clipboard. 

You will see a confirmation message appear directly below the string of information that shows the URL has been copied:


Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 5.07.13 PM.png


This string of information should then be pasted behind your event site URL.
Screen Shot 2022-11-09 at 5.05.06 PM.png

Note: The unique event URL is blue, while the Magic Link portion is highlighted in red below.

Using the example URL identified above, it will look something like this: ?login=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50SWQiOiI3MDU5MDg5N0FFNzQxYzIiLCJ1aWQ iOiI2MmM4MWJmNS0xOTEzLTQ2NzktYjI4MS0wNmNhMWI4NmE5NjEiLCJleHAiOjE2NDkyODYxMTksInNlY3 JldCI6ImRlZmF1bHQiLCJpYX QiOjE2NDY2OTQxMTl9.ogc1XZZlc9_qk8qF7FOl59k-LJnOLpZ0ms8lDIj


Helpful Tip: The Magic Link can be sent directly to users as this longer link or you can hyperlink it to a message in an email and send it to the Viewer. We recommend that you test the link to ensure you’ve grabbed the entire URL correctly, but remember to logout of the account before sending the access link on to the Viewer (or you will remain logged in as that Viewer).