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Create an Asset Using Autoarchive

Whether you want to keep a copy of your live streaming event for safekeeping, download a copy for offline editing, make available in a Video on Demand library, or even repurpose the event as a rebroadcast in Sardius SimLive... there are many reasons to record your live streams. 


This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating an Asset using Auto-archive. 


Note: It is recommended to review the default archive settings for your channel(s) before proceeding. To do this, please review this article linked here.


Enable Auto-Archive for an Event

Whenever you create an event within the Control Panel, the Auto-archive settings for the event will be copied from the default settings established for the channel at the time the event was created. In the Event Calendar, you will be able to customize your settings if your event needs to follow a unique or specific workflow. 


Access your channel’s Event Calendar and locate the upcoming live event you wish to archive. Click once on the event, and select “Edit.”



Click on the Archive Settings tab. Be sure that the “Create an archive of this event” switch is toggled. If this is not toggled, your event will not be saved.



Note: If you are streaming using Linked Asset (External Stream), the autoarchive process is not available at this time.

Depending on your workflow, you may need to enable some or all of the 3 options below.

Auto-approve video asset: Enable this if your event is part of an automated VOD or SimLive workflow

Auto-publish video asset: Enable this if you need to publish the asset using alternate profiles such as MP4, MP3, et cetera. 

Do not use VOD after this event: If a Channel Stream is not live, then it will attempt to use the previous events VOD. If you check this setting, then after this event is complete, your Channel Stream will not attempt to use this event’s VOD.

If you have auto-publishing available, you can select one of the available publishing profiles. If you need a specific publishing profile that is not available, please reach out to Sardius Support.

Assigning and Managing Metadata

You can update Asset Metadata information either before the event goes live or during.

Note: Metadata are labels that you and your team can use to organize the way that your assets can be quickly found, automated, and categorized. 

The event’s metadata can allow you and users to search available assets and collate content amongst Feeds and RSS engines connected to your website, app, or external processes


From the Event’s Archive Settings, you can enter predetermined:
  • Languages: The language that the Asset is recorded in.
  • Event Duration: The length of time the Asset will play for.
  • Air Date: The original date that the Asset was broadcast.
  • Categories: These can be your top-level organizing terms. Use categories to broadly organize your content. You can use more than one, but the more specificity you have the better.
  • Tags: These are your low-level organizing terms. Tags are typically more numerous and provide extra insight into the specific content of an individual asset, but are not often used for broad organization.
  • Topics: These can be your mid-level organizing terms. Consider breaking your categories down into smaller subsets and label those as topics. Alternatively, you could also use topics as another top-level term, but with a different focus - then combining categories and topics could enhance search-ability.
  • Album: Collection of songs. Pair with the above category -> topic -> tag structure for improved searching.
  • Series: Collection of video. Pair with the above category -> topic -> tag structure for improved searching.
Once you have completed adding all appropriate metadata, click “Save” in the lower right corner of the screen.


Note about Pre/Post Roll

If you are using Sardius Stream, the archived asset will contain your pre- and post-roll content. If you are using Sardius HLS Entrypoint, the Control Panel will either ignore or keep your pre/post-roll in accordance to your channel’s default settings.
Should you desire to remove any recorded pre/post roll from your asset, you can use our clipping tool to create a new asset without this content.


Best Practices and Recommendations

  • All live events are natively broadcast as HLS. Any asset archived will natively be HLS, and will not need to be published as HLS. If you do not need alternate/additional versions of your event as other file types such as MP4 or MP3, then you will not need to autopublish.
  • If your autoarchive is not set to autoapprove, then your asset will not be viewable in SimLive or other VOD processes. Only assets that are approved can be viewable in these workflows.
  • Autopublishing is not necessary for the event to be archived. As long as the autoarchiving is enabled, the asset will be saved.
  • Autoarchived Assets must be natively HLS or published as HLS to be used with Sardius SimLive