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Apply Build 43 Patch to Your Display Engine










This article will guide you through the process of patching your Display Engine to Build 43. Build 43 is required in order to use Multi-Site Live DVR through Sardius.



  • Display Engine running software version 4.8.0 or later.
  • A computer on the same network as the Display Engine
  • The Display Engine's IP Address
  • SSH-compatible Command Line Interface (CLI) Program
    • Mac: Terminal
    • Windows: Solar PuTTY


What is SSH?

SSH is a network protocol that allows you to access your Display Engine to run scripts, update firmware, and input commands in a secure manner.

To successfully SSH into your Display Engine, you will need the following:

  • The Display Engine's IP address
  • Username: hvroot
  • Password: hairoot
  • SSH-compatible Command Line Interface (CLI) Program

Note: If the username and/or password listed above does not work in your CLI or was otherwise changed, you will need those credentials. If you do not know them, you will have to completely reset (field kick) the Display Engine before continuing. 


Access the Display Engine via SSH

Open your SSH CLI Program.

Type in the following command. Be sure to replace x.x.x.x with the actual IP Address for your Display Engine. 

ssh hvroot@x.x.x.x
You may be prompted with a message stating that the authenticity of the host can't be established. This is an expected message, and there's nothing to be concerned about. Type in "yes" to proceed.




You will then be prompted for a password. Enter the one shown above, or the one your system administrator changed it to. You will not see the password as you type it. 

If your password is correct, you will see the Console UI.




Patching the Display Engine

Only the keyboard will work in this screen. Use the down arrow to move the selection bar to "Terminal" and press Enter.



Copy the following command and paste it into the Console UI Terminal window. 

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will execute a script that will download the patches to the display engine and kick off the update process.

BBefore the script will begin, the Console UI will ask provide an alert and ask you to proceed. Enter the password in order to continue.




The script will run, and show you that two packages will be installed:

  • hai-cdvr
  • hai-madra



The Console UI Terminal will ask you if it is okay to proceed. Type y to continue the installation.

When complete, your screen will look like this:



Copy the following command and paste it into the Console UI Terminal window.

systemctl restart madra

You will be prompted to enter the password for root. This will be the same password as listed above, or it will be the password it was changed to by your system administrator.

Once the password is accepted, this command will restart the madra service on the Display Engine. Type Control+X to close the Console UI Terminal window.

You can use the down arrow to select "Reboot/Shutdown" to restart the Display Engine if you like. Otherwise, you can close your SSH CLI program.


Congratulations! You have successfully patched your Display Engine to Build 43. It is now time to update your Kulabyte with a new transmission URL.


If at any time you require assistance, please reach out to Sardius Support.