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Using your Akamai Watch Folder with Vantage


Note: This article assumes you possess the knowledge to manage and deploy workflows within Vantage. 

If you use a Vantage product for transcoding media and delivering that media to a broadcast provider or online storage, this article will help you connect your Vantage server to the Akamai Watch Folder provided to you by Sardius.

You will be using the Deploy module located in the Transport section.

To add your Akamai Watch Folder, add the Deploy module to the appropriate step in the workflow, then edit the module.

For the first screen, be sure to select which item from the workflow process (such as "Original") is to be used in this module. You will also need to select FTP as your method of choice.

Enter the following

  • Host: This is your upload URL provided by Sardius.
  • Use a secure connection (SSL/TLS): You can select this, but you may have better results with this disabled.
  • Click Next



Enter the username and password provided to you by Sardius. Click Next



Vantage will ask if you want to use a proxy server as well. Leave this as "no proxy" and click Next.



The connection will be tested, and then you will select the folder to upload to. Note that you should follow the same process given to you in the instructions from Sardius:

  • First select and open the 7-digit folder
  • Then select the upload directory, such as hls-enhanced.
  • Click Next



Review all settings. Click Save and Publish the workflow.