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Updating your Viewer Settings

The following can be updated on the Viewer Settings of an Account:
  • Active Viewer Sessions- sets the limit of active sessions an individual user can have
  • Viewer Segments- allows you to customize your audience’s viewing experience
To update your Viewer Settings, access the cog wheel to the right of your Account Name at the top of the screen and click on Viewer Settings in the Dropdown. 
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Active Viewer Sessions

The Active Viewer Sessions setting allows you to set a limit of active sessions per Viewer. This setting must be enforced per channel, when updated. 
Implementing a limit on active sessions could help prevent link-sharing during paid events but may not be applicable if your account primarily hosts free content/events.
To update the restriction level, use the dropdown menu and “Update Viewer Settings” after making your selection. 
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If a session limit is set on an account and a user reaches that limit, they would see a message indicating that they need to disconnect from one of their active sessions in order to continue to the channel.
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Helpful Tip:  The most common setting for a limit is 2 sessions. This allows a single user to access the channel using 2 different sessions (ie. 2 browser tabs can be open on the same or different devices). 

Enabling Active Session limit on a channel

Once you have set a general account limit in the Active Viewer Session area, in order to enforce it you will need to enable it on each channel where it should be applicable.  
To do so, access the specific Channel you have created where you want it enabled from the Experiences section in the left toolbar (Reference How to Create a Channel)
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Click on the calendar icon to enter the area where you can Customize your Channel.
Then click Customize Channel to access your desired Viewer Segment. 
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Once inside your desired Viewer Segment, access the Layout Features/Common Settings.
Toggle on Enable Active Sessions to enforce the Active Viewers Sessions limit you have set on your Account. 
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Helpful Tip: Toggling this on- even if there are no restrictions on an account- allows for the collection of individual statistical data that can be found later in a Viewer’s individual account, such as what a Viewer specifically watched. 

Viewer Segments

Viewer segments are used to create a more customized experience for your Viewing audience. Each layout used on a channel needs a specific Viewer Segment attached to it, therefore Viewer Segments often reflect the name of a church satellite location, event name, or customized experience. 

Helpful Tip:  Some layouts could have multiple viewer segments attached to them on the same channel, depending on how you are creating your customized experience.

To add a Viewer Segment, type the name you want to use in the field under Viewer Segments and click “Add”. 
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If you decide you want to make changes to the Viewer Segment name or delete it later, you can do so by using the tools beside the Viewer Segment:

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Note: If you delete a Viewer Segment that Viewers currently have access to, they will no longer have access to that experience.

IMPORTANT: Once you have created a Viewer Segment here, you will need to ensure it is enabled on any layouts on Channels where that Viewer Segment will be used  (Reference Overview of Layout Features/Common Settings).