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Subsplash Live Stream Settings

Sardius Media has developed an integration with Subsplash to deliver live and on-demand content to viewers. Through the Subsplash platform, you can make your content accessible to your audience by setting up a mobile app, TV apps, and websites. 

This walkthrough will allow you to set up a Live Stream Media Item in Subsplash. Once you have added this Media Item, you can connect it to your Subsplash Library’s content list(s) which will deliver your Live Stream to any of your apps or websites that you have set up through Subsplash.

Disclaimer: This Live Stream service is available to clients utilizing Sardius Stream, Sardius HLS Entrypoint, or Linked Asset (External Stream) streaming methods by utilizing an HLS m3u8 transport stream. 

To complete this process, you will need to:
  1. Get your Live Stream HLS m3u8 URL from the Sardius Control Panel
  2. Add a Live Stream Media Item to Subsplash
  3. Connect your Media Item to your app’s Content Library

Get Live Stream URL from the Sardius Control Panel

Locate your Channel’s Site ID

When a Channel is created in the Sardius Control Panel, Sardius automatically creates a Default Channel Stream Asset for that Channel. We will first need to locate the name of that asset.

1. In the Sardius Control Panel, locate the Channels link on the sidebar and click on it.




2. Click on the Channel where you have set up the Event for your Live Stream. If you have not created your Channel, please set one up by using the instructions here

Once you have located your channel, click on the Settings icon. 




3. In your browser’s address bar, you will see a URL that begins with and a section that begins with site_ with multiple characters that follow it. This is your Channel’s Site ID. 




Click in the address bar and select the full Site ID. Copy this to a separate document such as Notes (Mac) or Notepad (Windows) for safekeeping. 


Locate the Channel Stream Asset

1. In the Sardius Control Panel, locate the Assets link on the sidebar and click on it. 




2. Next to the search bar, select ID from the dropdown. Then, paste the Site ID you collected from your Channel URL and press Enter/Return. Your Channel Stream Asset should appear. 




3. Click on the Asset to open the Advanced pane. Click on the Media tab for the Channel Stream asset, and locate the HLS m3u8 URL. Click on the “Copy” icon beside the URL to copy this URL. Be sure to past this in the same document where you have saved your Site ID.




Add Live Stream Media Item to Subsplash

Now that we have everything we need from the Sardius Control Panel, it is time to begin setting up your Live Stream with Subsplash. Start by opening a new tab or window and access your organization’s Subsplash account.

1. From the sidebar Subsplash Home Screen, locate “Media” near the top and click on it.



2. Locate “Library” near the top of the Media sidebar.




3. At the top of the Library page, click on “Create Media Item”




4. A modal will appear at the top of the screen. Give the Media Item a title (i.e. “Live Stream”) then click “Create.”




5. In the page that appears, fill in any details you would like. Lower on the page, you will see a section where you can add a Video file or link. Click on “Enter a URL” 




6. In the modal that appears, select “Link to a video stream.” 

7. In the “Stream URL” field, paste your HLS m3u8 URL that you copied from your Channel Stream Asset from the Sardius Control Panel. Click on “Set Stream URL” to add these settings.



8. In the upper right, click on “Publish” to add the Media Item to your Subsplash Library. Your Live Stream will now be available to connect to any of your content lists within the Subsplash platform.


Connect Media Item to Mobile / TV App

Now that your Live Stream has been added as a Media Item within your Subsplash Library, you will now need to add your Live Stream to the content list(s) that delivers to your apps. 

1. On your account’s Subsplash Home Screen, locate “Library” in the sidebar and click on it.



2. Locate “Lists” near the top of the Library sidebar.




3. Select the List that you would like to add your Live Stream Media Item to. For the client we’re following in this walkthrough example, we will add the Live Stream to the list called “TV App Home.”




4. Click on your list. At the top of the Content section, you will see a link for “Add Item.” 




5. A form will appear. At the top of this form, select “Media Item” and then search for the Media Item you just added. Click on the Media Item to select it, and then click on “Add 1 Item” at the top of the form.




6. Your Live Stream Media Item will now appear in the content list. You can rearrange the content items as you see fit. Once you like what you see, click “Save” in the upper right of the screen.




You have successfully connected your Channel Stream Asset to your Subsplash account and any apps connected to your content list. 

If you have experienced any trouble or issues regarding setting up your Live Stream asset, please contact our Sardius Support team.