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Set Up SRT Callers and Listeners

Requirements for SRT streaming

  • SRT Encoder
  • SRT Decoder
  • A decision on which device is the listener
  • Determine what port to use. 4-digit ports are recommended. 
  • Ability to forward ports at your campus’ firewall.


Port Forwarding Requirements

  • Access to your organization’s firewall
  • Ability to forward a port from the public IP to the SRT listener’s network IP address
    • Ability to forward TCP (normal internet traffic) to that port
    • Ability to forward UDP (video/audio traffic) to that port


Listener Set Up

On your SRT device (encoder OR decoder), create your streaming parameters:

  • Makito: TS over SRT
  • Elemental: Reliable TS Output Group with an Output set for Secure Reliable Transport 

Under the connection settings, change the mode from “Caller” to “Listener” and then enter the port you want the streaming to occur through

If you would like the connection to be encrypted, please enter a passphrase (at least 13 characters), and select a level of encryption (AES-128 or AES-256).

Finish any adjustments to the video and audio encoder settings, and then save the setup. If possible, activate this stream so that it will start listening.


Forward the Port

If you are streaming from one campus/venue to another, you will need to make some adjustments at your firewall in order for your onsite SRT listener to be able to connect to the offsite SRT caller. 

Contact your Network Administrator and request that they establish a port-forwarding rule at the firewall. Inform them that all TCP and UDP traffic arriving to that port will need to be forwarded from the firewall/campus’ public IP address to the SRT listener’s private network IP address.
Also request from your network administrator your campus’ exact public IP address. Notate this for your offsite SRT caller setup.
  • SRT Encoder (located at Campus A) will be the listener at IP address and will be listening at port 2500.
  • Campus A’s network administrator establishes a forwarding rule, and directs all TCP/UDP traffic from port 2500 at the public IP, which is to the SRT encoder

Helpful Tip: Some campuses can establish a VPN connection between themselves. If this is true for your organization, then you can use the listener’s private network IP and port instead of the public IP address.


Caller Set Up

On your SRT device (encoder OR decoder), create your streaming parameters:
  • Makito: TS over SRT
  • Elemental: Reliable TS Output Group with an Output set for Secure Reliable Transport 

Under the connection settings, make sure the Connection Mode is set for “Caller”

Enter an address and destination port to call to. Using our example:

  • Makito
    • Address:
    • Destination port: 2500
  • Elemental
    • Primary Destination: srt://

If you generated a passphrase, enter that same passphrase into the caller device. Also, be sure to set the encryption level.

Finish any adjustments to the video and audio encoder settings, and then save the setup. If possible, activate this stream so that the device will call the listener.

Verify Setup

No matter which SRT device you are using, it will tell you if the connection has been successfully established, and the stream will begin.