Release 1.43
Released May 29, 2024
Table of Contents
Safari Browser Support
It's possible that if you've been a Sardius client for any given amount of time, you've experienced an error with your stream (or viewers have reported an anomaly), and one of the first questions Support may have asked you was, "Which browser are you using?"
Historically, Safari has not been the slickest browser to work with. It's like Safari and the Sardius Control Panel had a little tiff on the playground in grade school and while neither of them remembers now what it was about, they both still hold a little grudge.
That was before! Time heals all wounds, and our awesome development team has found the fix.
We are proud to report that Safari browser functionality works as intended!
We may still ask which browser you're using if you call in, but only for troubleshooting purposes. Not because it's a known-Safari-issue.
Increased Frame Rate Support for Makitos
A diversified encoder is a great tool in your arsenal. Each organization that streams may prefer a specific frame rate, bitrate, or latency. Having the option is key to getting your vision out to your audience.
Previously, users working with an encoder were not allowed to use the complete bevy of frame rate offerings within the Sardius Control Panel, being limited to the more common 30 or 60 fps.
New frame rate options include 23.976 & 24 fps.
As you can see in the above image, users now have a multitude of choices for frame rates to choose from when streaming with your encoder.
Note: Remember, changing the Default Settings of your channel will only affect newly created events. Any events already on your calendar will need to be adjusted individually.
Player Selector
You may remember that a recent release allowed Sardius users to select which player they attribute to their specific Channels. With this recent update, we took that Player Selector one step forward by allowing you to select which player is used when sharing or embedding a specific asset.
Simply click on the Asset that you're looking to use and select the Share button beneath the preview window.
At the top of the modal that appears, select the player from the drop down. Then copy the code that meets your need and share at your leisure.
Other Updates
Assets linked to external URLs: When attempting to use a Google Drive or Dropbox URL for a linked asset, our system will display an error message. This is due to restrictions imposed by these platforms that can cause an asset to experience difficulty on playback, or not even play at all.
Multiple Sardius Accounts inside of Control Panel: When opening the Switch Account button (for users who have access to multiple accounts), the search input is automatically focused.
Live Subtitles Settings: Adjusted language to notify user why Live Subtitles are incompatible with their stream type.
Live Subtitles: During an event with live subtitles, the verbiage has been adjusted in the Subtitles Settings modal to be “Sync Offset Time” instead of “Sync Time.”