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Release 1.39

Welcome to Sardius Control Panel Release 1.39!

Released December 13th, 2023



Featured Update

Mobile App

Sardius now offers its clients the opportunity to create and customize a Mobile App tailored to their specific needs. 

This feature offers a rich and robust customization palette to truly make each app unique to the business or ministry that is utilizing it, with custom logos, color schemes, and splash screens.



Hosting a major event? The app can be designed to view schedules and speaker bios, network with other attendees, view sponsors in the expo hall, and of course, watch sessions live while on the go.

For ministries or organizations with weekly schedules, the app can be set up to allow live viewing along with chat, integrate with your website for blogs and financial giving, and even allow access to your video-on-demand library hosted through our Sardius platform. 

Authentication is possible, so whether you want this to be free for anyone to utilize or make it a subscription-based service, the option is yours.

Need multiple apps? Event, day-to-day, personality-specific, youth- or ministry-focused... you can! Apps are specific to each Channel within the Sardius Control Panel.

Once our team has worked with you to develop the app, small tweaks, and changes will be available to you within the Mobile App settings inside of the Control Panel. 


If the Mobile App sounds right for your business or ministry, please contact your account manager for details on getting the process started.


All Updates

User Preferences

Previously, users could only adjust their preferences through the Assets section per the cog wheel beside the Add Asset button.

With this new update, individual users have more control over their viewing preferences. Not only with the assets but the calendar view, as well.
To access, click on the stacked dots on the bottom left beside the User's name. Previously, the only option there was Logout. User Preferences now accompany that.




With the calendar view, users can choose which day of the week will be listed first. This is in response to requests from church clients to be able to see the upcoming Sunday services on the same calendar view, rather than the week beginning with Sunday.




You can also choose to see a day, a week, or a month at a time. 



Also, rather than viewing time in 12 hour blocks with AM/PM, Users can choose to operate in 24-hour military time, if that's more comfortable.

With this feature, you can customize your view based around your workflow and the needs of your organization. 


Roles, Chat Moderation & Channels

As we continue to clean up and streamline our Control Panel, several tiny tweaks have been made to the placement of certain buttons. No functionality has been altered, and if we didn't point it out, you likely wouldn't even notice.


If you have any questions about these updates or would like to request a demo of a feature, please reach out to your Sardius Account Manager.