Release 1.31
Released February 3, 2023
Featured Updates:
Sardius Devices
Introducing Sardius Devices! From the device's interface you can pair Haivision Kulabyte and Makito Encoders. This interface allows you to pair your Haivision encoders to the Sardius platform so that you can remotely start, stop, and even schedule streaming on your Haivision encoders.
Sardius Stream
Sardius Stream is a new streamlined way to set up Sardius Channel live stream defaults as well as event overrides on a per event basis. Sardius Stream itself is a new streaming method that allows you to stream RTMP and SRT to the Sardius platform as well as set up both RTMP and SRT outputs.
When setting up a Channel's stream default settings you will be able to choose the new Sardius Stream method for your streaming source. You will also still be able to select from the other existing streaming methods that Sardius offers: Sardius HLS Entrypoint, and external streams such as Resi, or Akamai.
At the event level you can use the streaming override set up to configure Simulated Live events as well.
All Updates:
Channel Media Settings
Channel Media settings have moved from the site settings "Media" tab to a new tab called settings in a channel's "Stream" section.
The default asset for a channel is now set up through the "Overview" tab in the channel's "Stream" section. More info on setting up a channel's default stream asset can be found below in the Sardius Stream section of this guide.
Sardius Devices
Currently Sardius Devices allows you to pair a Haivision Kulabyte encoder to the Sardius Control Panel. Your account can also be configured to pair Haivision Makito encoders upon request.
Note: Currently the device's interface is limited to syncing with Haivision encoders, but we hope to develop more partnerships in the future that allow for the addition of a wider variety of devices.
Add a Device
To add your device simply click on the "Add device" button. You will then be prompted with a modal that will walk you through the process of pairing a device.
1. First sign in to your Haivision encoder's administator settings.
2. Next Copy the Pairing Code and then select either the "KB Pairing Guide" or the "Makito Pairing Guide" that will walk you through pairing your encoder with the Sardius platform.
3. After you have followed the steps for your specific encoder model you can click the "Check for device" button and the pairing of your device will begin. After a short time, syncing will be complete and your device will appear in the Sardius Devices interface.
4. Once your device has been successfully paired with the Sardius platform you will be able to select your device from the devices list to see info about your device.
Note: a device can be connected to a specific Sardius Channel. If a device is connected to a specific channel you will only see that device when setting up Sardius Stream defaults for that specific channel. If a device is not connected to a channel it will show up in a "unconnected" devices list across all Sardius Channels.
It is recommended that you do indeed connect a device to a Sardius Channel to prevent possible overlap of events from different channels trying to stream simultaneously from one device.
Sardius Outputs
Sardius Outputs allows you to set up outputs for the new Sardius Stream live streaming setup. Previously Sardius only supported the Sardius HLS Entrypoint which is used to stream HLS directly to us and which only allowed for an HLS output that would display on one of our Sardius Channels.
Sardius Stream allows you to expand the number and type of outputs that you can publish your stream to. Currently, in addition to the default output to a Sardius Channel we support adding RTMP and SRT outputs.
Add an Output
1. To add a new output simply click on the "Add output" button. You will then be prompted with a modal that will walk you through the process of adding an output.
2. Paste in an RTMP or SRT stream URL in the required URL field in the modal form.
Note: The Stream Key field is only required if you are adding a RTMP URL to the URL form field. If you are adding a SRT output URL, the Stream Key field can be left empty.
SRT: SRT just needs the URL with the stream ID / passphrase in it.
3. Next add a helpful Name and Description for your output and if you know which Sardius Channel the output will be used with you can select that in this step as well.
4. If everything looks correct you can click: "Add Connection" and your new output will be created.
Sardius Stream
In the past Sardius only natively supported the Sardius HLS Entrypoint which is used to stream HLS directly to us and only allowed for an HLS output that would display on one of our Sardius Channels. While Sardius HLS Entrypoint still exists and is a great option for those only streaming HLS to their Sardius Channel as a output we have added Sardius Stream.
Sardius Stream is the new Sardius streaming setup on the block. Instead of sending HLS to the Sardius platform, Sardius Stream allows you to send RTMP or SRT as the source streaming protocol. Also, behind the scenes Sardius Stream utilizes a more robust setup that not only allows for HLS output to a Sardius Channel, but also the addition of multiple outputs such as RTMP outputs, as well as, SRT outputs.
The future roadmap of Sardius Stream is bright as we will soon add the functionality to set up direct Youtube and Facebook outputs allowing for easier integration with your organizations social media live streaming setups.
These next 6 steps show how to set up Sardius Stream streaming defaults for a Sardius Channel. By default all events created on this Sardius Channel will use these streaming defaults. You can override these defaults per event.
Disclaimer: Setting Channel Stream defaults will apply to any newly created events, and it will not change any previously created events.
1. In order to start using Sardius Stream you need to first enable it on one of your Sardius Channels. To do this, select the Channel you wish to enable it on and select "Stream" from the Channel sidebar navigation to navigate to the Stream Settings
2. Click on the "Enable streaming" button. This will update your Sardius Channel in the background and prepare it to start using Sardius Stream. Next click the "Set defaults" button to set up the default streaming setting that this channel's events will use for live streaming.
3. Step 1 of setting up a channel's default streaming modal will prompt you to select the source of the live stream.
There a few options here that you can choose from depending on what your organization's encoder set up is:
Sardius Stream: Choose the Sardius Stream source when you want to stream RTMP or SRT from your encoder. This will also allow the possibility for your live stream to publish to multiple outputs such as Youtube or Facebook when you pick your outputs later in the setup process.
Linked Asset (External Stream): The Sardius asset's interface allows you to add a linked asset to the Sardius platform. This workflow allows you to connect external streams to the Sardius platform such as, but not limited to Resi, and Akamai live streams. Choose this option if you are using a Resi encoder, or have your encoder set up to stream out to an Akamai Entrypoint.
Sardius Entrypoint: Use Sardius entrypoint when you plan to stream out HLS from your encoder. This solution works best when streaming HLS from one of the following encoders: Elemental, Telestream, and Haivision Kulabyte encoders.
What about Simulated Live? This section of documentation is meant for explaining the default stream settings for a Sardius Channel. Simulated Live can not be a Sardius Channel's default streaming setup. We instead allow for the Simulated Live source to be selected when setting up an individual event on your Sardius Channel's calendar. Read more on that in our Sardius Stream Event Overrides section.
4. Let's stick with the new Sardius Stream for now. On Step 2 of the configuration stepper you will be prompted to add a device to receive your source stream from. Here you can choose one of your already set up Haivision devices (See Sardius Devices above) or select Manual if you are using a different brand of encoder, or haven't paired your Haivision encoder with the Sardius platform yet.
Manual: Selecting "manual" will display both RTMP and SRT stream setup links that you can manually plug into your device.
Selecting Device: Selecting a paired Haivision device will allow you to see that encoder's default channel settings and allow you to edit those device settings.
5. Now that you have selected your input you will need to select your outputs. By default Channel Stream is selected. This is the Sardius Channel's default asset that will play out on the channel's website. In addition, you can choose other preconfigured outputs you would like to publish your stream to, such as an RTMP output that is setup to point to Youtube that you may have created in the Sardius Outputs interface at an earlier time.
6. The last step is to review that everything looks good. Make sure you have the correct source selected as well as the correct output(s). If everything looks correct click: "Finish"
That's it! Following these 6 steps you've walked through how to set up Sardius stream streaming defaults for a Sardius Channel.
Sardius Stream Event Overrides
If you have enabled Sardius Stream for a Sardius Channel and set up the Channel's default streaming settings, those default settings will be used by default for your Channel's events. However, you can override those setting per event.
Why Override?
You will want to override the default settings if a certain event needs to use a different source, or different outputs. Or, most commonly, if you're wanting to stream out a Simulated Live event.
How to Override
1. Find the event you want to add the override stream settings to in your channel's calendar and click "Edit"
2. From the event details page click on the "Streaming" tab
3. From the "Streaming" tab you will be able to see the Channel's default streaming settings. To override click the "Override event defaults" button.
4. A modal will open prompting you to select a new source. For this example I will select Simulated Live as this is the most common reason to override an event's streaming defaults.
5. Depending on your account's available features you will be able to select Simulated Live from a Feed or from an Asset.
6. Select which HLS asset you would like to play out using Simulated Live:
7. Next in the Review step confirm that everything looks correct and click "Finish".
8. Click: "Save" on the event and you will have successfully overridden an event's default streaming settings.
For further questions related to Sardius Stream please reach out to your Sardius account manager. Thank you!