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Release 1.27

Welcome to Sardius Control Panel Release 1.27!


Table of Contents:


Featured Updates:


Sardius Rooms


 We have added 2-way video breakouts to our events. This allows event planners to create breakout sessions where we spread out the audience into rooms of predetermined sizes so that members of your audience can engage with one another for small group discussions or networking.



Sardius Voice


Sardius Voice is a powerful way for your audience to create and share their voice with the world. Whether they are sharing an idea, vision statement, sharing a public prayer their voice can be heard by other members of the audience, or shared to their personal social media page. 


All Updates: 


  • We are continuing to reinforce the branding and infrastructure of the Sardius Control Panel. We made bug fixes and style updates throughout the app to help improve the end-user experience.


Sardius Voice

  • If a site has been set up to include Sardius Voice the "Voice Moderation" link appears in the site's navigation menu. This allows for the moderation of audience members' voices. The audio is recorded and transcribed to text for easy review before voices are published to your site's watch page.





Sardius Rooms

  • We added a moderation view for Sardius Rooms that allows for dynamic room creation, adding room moderators, and changing settings for the 2 way video experience.


Second Screen Triggering

  • We added an interface to make managing your Second Screen layouts a bit more streamlined. Second Screen is a powerful audience engagement tool that allows audiences to get live updates on a second screen device such as Speaker Bios, Polls, and Activities. This new user interface helps speed up the process of triggering your pre-made activity cards live throughout the course of your event.