Import Metadata with an Asset in a FTP Watch Folder
Managing an asset's metadata can be time-intensive. Thankfully, our FTP Watch Folders allow you to automate populating (or pre-tag) metadata for single assets or a whole group of assets. It takes a little bit more work on the front end, but even people without access to the Control Panel now have the ability to add the metadata with a simple text editing program. The metadata is added to the asset upon import through an accompanying JSON file.
Import Metadata for a Single Asset
- File to be imported is named myFile.mp4
- Accompanying JSON file is named myFile.json
- myFile.json has the following content inside of it:
"title": "My Custom Title",
"description": "My Custom description",
"series": "My Custom Series",
"categories": ["Category 1", "Category 2"],
"tags": ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"],
"airDate": "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"approved": true
Accepted Metadata fields:
- title - the asset title
- description - an appropriate description of the asset
- series - if the asset is part of a Series, that Series title will go here
- categories - If you are utilizing Categories within the Control Panel (i.e. for a VOD or SimLive feed), the Category will be put here. Multiple Categories are allowed, separated by commas
- tags - If you are utilizing Tags within the Control Panel, the Tag will be put here. Multiple Tags are allowed, separated by commas
- airDate - The date that the asset aired. Any valid date format can be used here.
- approved - If you want the asset to be approved and immediately included into a feed, this is where you would indicate that. The value here should read either true or false.
An exception to the Metadata is the ability to link a new Asset to an existing that is already in the system. This metadata field is only read using the Import option (not available when transcoding), and if this field is present, the system will ignore any other metadata in favor of this one.
- existingAssetId - This must be a valid asset ID obtained from an existing SCP asset (not PID) in order to work
The other special-use Metadata field is the Publish Profile. If using custom folder names, rather than folders named after a publishing profile, you will need to tell the system which publishing profile to use.
- publishProfile - Must be a valid value from the Accepted Publish Profiles list (see above)
Helpful Tip: Upload your JSON file before your video / audio file to ensure your file doesn’t get processed before your JSON is uploaded. Only valid JSON is going to work, to double check your file, you can use a free online JSON validator.
Import Metadata for a Multiple Assets via a Custom Folder
Note: If you place a folder inside an existing folder, any files you load into that folder will be ignored.
"series": "My Custom Series",
"categories": ["Category 1",],
"approved": true,
"publishProfile": "mp4"
Note: Settings.json files also work in any default Publish Profile folder as well.