Common Colors (Turnkey)
The Turnkey Layout provides more color options than other Layouts. Common Colors area enables you to customize the colors on the site (Primary, Secondary, Background, Sidebar, Chat, Watch Party, Bio background color, etc.)
To begin modifying your Site colors, select Common Colors
Click on the color box to update the color. You can select the new color or add your Hex#
- Primary Text Color: Titles, Header button, Footer social icons and Sponsor logo
- Secondary Text Color: Text color for non-header text
- Background Color: Main background color
- Sidebar Toggle Button Background Color: Sidebar button color when sidebar is closed
- Sidebar Toggle Button Color: Sidebar button color when sidebar is closed
- Sidebar Toggle Close Button Background Color: Sidebar button color when sidebar is open
- Sidebar Toggle Close Button Color: Sidebar button color when sidebar is open
- Modal Bio Background Color: Applies to the Bio Modal commonly found in the Speakers and Schedule Sections
Helpful Tip: The Common Colors are grouped in the following categories: Text and Background Color; Sidebar Color; Chat Color; Watch Party and Modal Color