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How to Add a Feed to a Channel


Disclaimer: Not all channels can have a feed added to them. 

After creating your Feed, it is recommended to add any existing assets to it before adding the feed to the channel. This will ensure the feed is populated when you test it on the Channel. However, assets can be added at any time to the feed. 

To Add a Feed to an existing Channel, select Channels from the navigation bar and, from the options that appear, select the specific Channel that you want to add the feed to. 

Click the Customize Channel icon.


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This will open the Customize Channel options. 
Then click on  Features. 

Note: If you have more than one Viewer Segment added to the Channel (ie. a Default Registration Experience and an Authenticated experience), select the desired Viewer Segment before clicking Features

Depending on the Channel Layout you've selected, you will either click Video on Demand Sections or  Sections. 




To add a new Feed, click on the +Add button:


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This will open a modal with options for your Feed: 


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Section Details:  Allows you to set the Order of where the feed appears in relation to other page content, as well as designate when it will show on the Channel- Simply click on the ‘x’ to remove any of the states.  
Also included in this area are design customization options that will override any Experience section settings if you want this VOD feed section to have a different design than the rest of the page. 


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Section Title Allows you to customize the Title for this VOD section. 
Customize or edit your Title by clicking Modify. Be sure to Click Done to return to the full modal options when finished. 
Section Sub TitleAllows you to customize the Sub Title for this VOD section.
Customize or edit your Sub Title by clicking Modify. Be sure to Click Done to return to the full modal options when finished. 
Sardius Feed: Allows you to add a specific feed from a list of existing feed options.
Format: Allows you to select the format for displaying your feed in the Channel.


Note: Grid or Slider formats are most commonly used options for VOD feeds.

The marquee option allows the VOD thumbnails of your feed assets to scroll across the screen and stop when users hover over an asset’s thumbnail. You can also adjust the speed of a marquee. 


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Max Items Per Row:  Allows you to set how many items show in a row. If using the Slider format, it is recommended to display three items per row.


FieldsAllows you to set what will show from the main view of the Feed.  This is most commonly set to Title, which allows Viewers to see the brief Title of the Asset when viewing your Feed.


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Max Assets:  Allows you to set a limit on the number of assets that will show in the Feed. 

Note: If more than the number set here exist within the feed, the most recent assets will be visible.

Restrict VOD: When toggled ON, this allows you to Restrict who has access to this specific feed based on Ticket Type, Viewer Segment or Viewer Metadata. 


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Note: This allows you to add multiple feeds to the same VOD section while customizing the user experience of what certain individuals have access to.

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When you are finished updating the VOD modal, Click Add to close the modal and the blue Update button to SAVE and update your Channel. 


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Your VOD will then be added to your Channel. 


To test how your VOD feed appears in your Channel, click on Customize Channel from the Channel’s left tool bar. You should then see the button to Open Channel on the right side of the screen to preview your site in a new browser tab: 


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