How to add a Control Panel User
The Sardius Control Panel is the core administrative panel where you can build your Live Event Sites, Setup Registration, Upload Bios, Assets and other content, schedule out your events, and even manage your Viewer audience. You will also have the ability to manage all of your media assets (video, audio, images) adding layers of data and metadata to each asset as well as access your player analytics to learn more about your audience. You will also be able to add users to the Control Panel to help administrate events.
To add a Control Panel User, click on the Settings wheel to access Users

Click on Users to see if the user you are wanting to create already in the system

If the User does not exist, click on the New User icon in the top right of the screen to create a New User

Add the User’s First and Last Name
Next, add the User’s email address (the Username is the User’s email address)

You also have the ability to set a Public Chat Group Title by clicking on the drop-down arrow and selecting the relevant Title (note: this feature will only be available if the Chat feature is turned on)

Next, select the Role from the drop-down list. Lastly, select Add to save the New User

You will receive a Success message at the top of the screen notifying you that the addition was successful!
At any time, you will have the ability to Remove User or Update User information

Helpful Tip: You can search for users by entering their Name, User ID/UID, or Email in the search bar at the top of the page
Sardius Control Panel Login Access
Once a person has been added as a new user to a role, an email is triggered allowing the new user to create their login/password. The email used to access the Control Panel is the email that has used to create their account. If they have trouble logging in or have forgotten their email, they can click on the Forgot Password to gain access again.
Once the email has been triggered, they have 72 hours to set up their account. If they miss the 72 hour window and are requesting a new one- or have lost their email, simply go to and click on Forgot Password.