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Facebook Troubleshooting (RTMP Output)

This guide will aid you with the most common scenarios when streaming to Facebook using our Facebook RTMP Connectors. 
If you are needing help with the Facebook API Output, please see the troubleshooting article for the Facebook API.


Before Troubleshooting, Do This...

As you troubleshoot, make sure you have: 
  1. One window/tab open to the Sardius Control Panel
  2. A separate window/tab open to Facebook’s “Create live video” page for your organization.


Disclaimer: This article is designed specifically for clients using Sardius Stream to deliver their stream to Facebook.

If you are NOT using Sardius Stream, we recommend verifying that your encoder has the proper Stream Key and URL from your organization’s Facebook account. 


To aid you in your troubleshooting, please select from the following options:


Verify Your Event was Set Up to Stream to Facebook

Access your Channel and navigate to the Event Calendar. Above your calendar, you can see the Live Event Manager. 



Under the “Streaming outputs” section, you will see all of the outputs that were set up with your current live event. You can hover your cursor over each of the outputs to see the name of the output.
  1. If you see your Facebook RTMP Output, proceed to Verify your Output below.
  2. If you do NOT see your Facebook RTMP Output, proceed to Create a New Output below.


Verify Your RTMP Output is Sending Out a Stream

If your default stream settings or if your Event was previously set up to use your RTMP Connector, you can check if Sardius Stream is currently sending your feed to Facebook by taking a look at the Live Event Manager on your Channel’s Event Calendar.


Locate your Facebook output under the “Streaming outputs” section. When your mouse hovers over the icons, the Output’s name will appear.



The Output is Offline

If the output is offline, you can click on that output and select “Start stream on output” to start sending Facebook your stream.


Go to your window that is open to your Facebook page. Wait a few seconds to see if the preview window detects your stream feed. 
  1. If your feed appears, you can complete the process through Facebook’s “Create live video page” to go live.
  2. If your feed doesn’t appear, advance to Create a New RTMP Output below.


The Output is Live

If the output is Live (online), but Facebook is not seeing the feed, it is possible the connection with Facebook was not properly established. 


Click on the Output icon. A modal will pop up, and you can click “Stop stream on output.” This will stop the Output and allow you to restart the stream.


Once the Output is offline, click on the output again and select “Start stream on output” to try sending Facebook your stream again.


Go to your window that is open to Facebook. Wait a few seconds to see if the preview window detects your stream feed. 
  1. If your feed appears, you can complete the process through Facebook’s “Create live video” page to go live.
  2. If your feed doesn’t appear, advance to Create a New RTMP Output below.


Add an Existing RTMP Output to Your Live Event

In the Live Event Manager, click on the + button beside your streaming outputs.



In the Output setup modal, select the output(s) you wish to add to your live event. When you have selected all of your outputs, click "Add"



Once you have added the new input, the Live Event Manager will automatically establish a connection with Facebook and start sending them their stream.


Go to your window with Facebook’s “Create live video” page open and verify that your stream has arrived. It may take a few seconds for the connection to be established. Once you see your stream, you can finish the “Go Live” process through Facebook to officially stream your event on Facebook.


Create a New RTMP Output for Your Live Event

From Facebook’s “Create live video” page, copy both the Stream key and Stream URL into a text document, such as Notes (Mac) or Notepad (Windows). 


Return to the Sardius Control Panel and locate the Live Event Manager in your Channel’s Event Calendar. Click on the + button beside your streaming outputs.


In the Output setup modal, enter the RTMP Stream key and Stream URL that Facebook provided to you. Verify both items are correct, and click “Add.”


Once you have added the new input, the Live Event Manager will automatically establish a connection with Facebook and start sending them their stream.


Go to your window with Facebook’s “Create live video” page open and verify that your stream has arrived. It may take a few seconds for the connection to be established. Once you see your stream, you can finish the “Go Live” process through Facebook to officially stream your event on Facebook.


Note:  If you just completed the steps for creating a new output for your live event, these settings will only be applied to the current event. To make sure that Facebook will work for future events, you will need to change the configuration of your existing Facebook output. To do, follow the directions in this article here.


Still Not Working?

If you have completed the above processes, and you have not found a resolution, please contact Sardius Support for further assistance.