Elemental Troubleshooting
Pairing the Elemental
Syntax Error
Error: error retrieving elemental pairing settings: SyntaxError: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 15
This error occurs when an Elemental has had user authentication applied on the Elemental after the initial setup. In order to repair, you will need to SSH into the Elemental and instruct the Elemental to run the configuration script to fully commit the changes.
Access the Elemental via SSH, then run this command:
cd /opt/elemental_se
This will change the directory you're currently viewing on your CLI. Next, copy and paste the following command:
sudo ./configure --https --skip-all
Press enter. Allow 5-10 minutes for the configuration script to run. Once complete, your SSH window will prompt you to start the Elemental UI. Type yes and hit enter.
Wait for 30 seconds, then return to the Sardius Control Panel to complete the pairing process.
Properties of undefined
Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'device_name')
This error occurs when you have entered an incorrect/invalid Username or API Key. Please re-enter both the Username and API Key in the Device Manager and try again.
If you are in the final step of the pairing process, close the modal. You will still see the Elemental pane in the Devices library. Enter in the correct Username and replace the API Key. You do not need to generate a new API Key, but you will need to re-enter it even though it looks like our system has saved it. This will ensure a full reset when finishing the pairing process.
Click Update, and then click "Finish Pairing."
Adding/Updating the Username or API Key
If your Elemental is already paired, and you are adding/updating the Username, be sure to enter both the correct Username and API Key. Anytime the Username needs to be updated, you will always need to replace the API Key for security purposes.
Click Update and the changes will be saved.
User Interface
Input Preview Not Working
When previewing an input as you are setting up an Event, or on the Event Preview window, and you receive the error message "There was an error displaying the preview."
This means that there is not a valid video signal on your selected SDI input. Check your SDI input on the back of the Elemental to be sure that all connections are properly seeded, and that there is indeed an active video signal.
It could also mean that your desired input is in use on another active event. Check the Events that are running to ensure you're not trying to reuse an existing input.
ReliableTs Output Not Connected
This is showing that the Elemental is unable to connect to the SRT Route. Check the following:
- SRT Destination URL
- SRT Destination Port
- Caller and Listener Modes
- AES Encryption Level (if applicable)
- Passphrase
If all are correct, and you are still unable to connect, contact Sardius Support using the instructions below.
Sardius Stream (SRT) Connection Issues
If you are trying to use your Elemental to connect to Sardius Stream with SRT, please be aware that this is a highly unstable process. As such, we do highly encourage you to use RTMP (instead of SRT) with Sardius Stream.
RTMP mediaID Connection Lost
This means that your RTMP stream key is invalid. You will need to stop the event and replace your stream key in order to restore the connection.
Upload speeds slower than real time
This error means either:
- Your upload/destination URL is invalid, or
- Your Elemental is having trouble connecting with Akamai or Sardius Entrypoint
NOTE: It may take at least 60 seconds from the start of the issue or event before this error will appear.
Check the following:
- Verify your destination URL
- Verify that /playlist is present at the end of the destination URL
- Verify your Elemental has valid DNS entries
If all are correct, and you are still unable to connect, contact Sardius Support using the instructions below.
Contacting Sardius Support
When escalating an Elemental issue to Sardius Support, please be sure to include the following:
- Screenshots of the error from the Elemental
- Any log files associated with the Event
- The Event's XML file
- Elemental Live Software Version
- A full description of what is happening
- TeamViewer credentials for a computer that has access to the Elemental
- Any other information that may feel relevant
Gather all details and send to support@sardius.media or use the "Submit a ticket" link at the top of this page.