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Elemental Best Practices

Label your inputs

The Elemental allows you to label your SDI Inputs. The general public does not see this information, but it does allow you and your team to easily remember which input is which. For instance, your main feed may be on SDI 1, and you have a clean feed on SDI 2. 

To Label your inputs, navigate to "Settings / Input Devices" on the Elemental's Menu.



Consider 70% CPU usage your optimum threshold

Elemental Live Encoders are robust encoders that can accept multiple live inputs and broadcast across multiple live outputs at any given time. There are some situations to be aware of when streaming however that can attribute to unexpected processing increases and loads.

  • High Frame Rates: If you test with 30 fps and decide to jump to 60 fps for an event, you will double the processing load with each Stream connected to that event.
  • High Motion: If you test with static images, your CPU load will be relatively light. But when you stream using a very active, very detailed feed, your CPU load will ramp up exponentially. If you have high-motion content, then always test with high-motion content.
  • Additional Processing: If you use onboard processors, such as deinterlacing, adaptive quality, and higher density, you will use more CPU load during an event. The more you add post-processors to an event, the higher your CPU load will be.
  • Mixing High & Low Motion: If you are streaming an event that begins with high-energy music and then changes to low-energy speaking, you will experience a CPU spike during the high-energy content.

Keeping all of these situations in mind, design your Elemental events to run concurrently at no more than 70% CPU Load. This will allow the Elemental to be able to react and process unexpected and unplanned spikes in your visual content. 

By not keeping a 60%-70% threshold in mind when designing your events, you run the risk of the Elemental getting overloaded and all events will start suffering issues.


Address unused Network Interfaces

Most Elementals have 8 Network Interfaces that can be utilized, and only 1 or 2 will be typically used. By default, all of these interfaces are enabled and remain in standby ready for use. If an interface is not in active use, the Elemental will report that it is in "DOWN" status. 


These alerts, while handy, can clog the Alert Window which appears on every screen. And since Alerts are displayed in a FIRST IN basis, and not ordered by SEVERITY, these "DOWN" alerts can prevent you from seeing timely warnings. 

Sardius recommends that you either:

  1. Suppress the error
  2. Disable each unused interface

If you choose to disable the interface, we recommend you keep at least one interface online set for DHCP or a Static IP that can be utilized in the event that one of the main interfaces goes down. This will ensure you can still access the Elemental's UI. 


Manage Your Alerts

Managing your Alerts is a critical function whether or not you are live streaming. The Elemental uses these alerts to communicate potential issues to you. We recommend that you address any alert once it appears. If the alert is not critical, SUPPRESS it until you are ready to address it.

If the alert is critical, investigate the cause and resolve it quickly.


Reuse Streams Where Possible

"Streams" in Elemental terms refer to the actual encoding process for an output. It is possible for an Elemental event to use the same stream across multiple Outputs and Output Groups. When you reuse a stream for multiple outputs, it will reduce the CPU and Memory load on the Elemental. 

This is a great approach for those who stream with Akamai. You can reuse the same streams across 2 separate Apple HLS Groups for your Primary and Backup Akamai entrypoints.

To create an Output that will reuse an existing stream, select your Output Group and scroll down to Outputs. elemBpReuse

  1. Select the Stream you want to reuse for an Output
  2. Click Add Output

Now you can customize that Output accordingly.

You can also change the stream used by an Output that already exists.


Select the dropdown for "Stream" on the Output you wish to adjust and select an existing Stream.


Test Before Streaming

Always test your Event with your channel at least 1 hour prior to your actual streaming event. This will allow you to identify any issues, including bad stream keys for your social outputs.

If you are testing a feed with Sardius Entrypoint or Akamai, it can take at least 60 seconds for an error, such as an upload error, to appear. Please allow for a minimum of 5 minutes for testing windows.