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Cookie Banner Setting (Slate)

Cookie banners are now a requirement of various privacy mandates such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, an EU law on data protection and privacy that went into effect in 2018), and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act, a state law created to protect consumers in the state of California). These regulations require websites to provide privacy measures and protections to consumers and viewers in specific regions of the world, as well as gives the viewer the ability to opt-out from having their personal data recorded while browsing a website.

One particular requirement of these policies is that any website that uses cookies or collects data MUST have a cookie policy and corresponding cookie banner to alert visitors of this process.

You have the option to create and enable a Cookie Banner Policy in order to obtain the user’s consent before using cookies.
If enabled, the Cookie Policy will appear at the bottom of the Site. 



How to Set Up Your Cookie Banner

When the Cookie Banner Settings is Enabled, you can set up your preferences and modify the text



1. Enable Banner: this field enables the Cookie Banner


2. Hide if Logged In: if enabled, this field will hide the banner if the user is logged in 


3. Cookie Policy Content: set the text that the end user will see by modifying the HTML


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Cookie Policy: Modify HTML by selecting the ‘Modify HTML’ button 
Once you have made your modifications, select Done to save your changes


Helpful Tip: Not sure how to modify HTML? Utilize this HTML Editor to make your edits

4. Accept Cookies Text: this is the text that appears in the box. In this example, the end users will select Accept to agree to the policy


5. Deny Cookies Text: this is the text for the deny button in the Cookie Banner. You can leave this field empty to not show this option or modify the text



Setting Your Colors

Next, set your colors for your Cookie Policy: Policy Text Color, Banner Background, Cookie button background, and Cookie button text color


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  • Policy Text Color: this is the text color for the policy text. Custom styles override this in the policy html
  • Banner Background: update the background color of the cookie banner 
  • Cookie Button Background: change the background color for the cookie acceptance button 
  • Cookie Button Text Color: update the color used for the cookie Accept button
To update the color, click on the each color square and select a new color or enter the Hex#


You can choose to not enable the Cookie Banner Settings which will remove the Cookie Banner Settings options from the dropdown as well as remove the banner from your channel.



Once you have finished customizing this section, click "Update" at the bottom of the page to commit all of your changes. You also have the option to undo all changes you've made to the layout since the last update.


Slate Layout Overview