Chat Overview & Best Practices
Note: Anytime Chat is integrated into an event, Moderation is recommended.
Operating an Event
Prior to the event:
- Verify your access and familiarize yourself with the Admin Moderation Panel in the Sardius Control Panel prior to the event
- Contact your event team if you are unsure about the event schedule or have questions about expectations of the Moderation team
During the event:
- Post a Welcome Message to kick-off the event
- Use the “pin message” function to help highlight content in the live stream, point viewers to additional resources or emphasize Calls to Action. This could include:
- Tech Support information
- How to access Session Surveys (if included)
- Highlighting any special features on the event page (ie. Networking, Exhibit Hall, etc)
- Promoting resources mentioned by speakers or quotes from a session
- Helpful transition info (ie. How Breakouts will automatically appear on the site)
- Help viewers remain engaged with the event (Where are you watching from? What have you enjoyed about the event so far? What would you like to see next time?, etc.)
- Let viewers know if Archive (Video On Demand) content will be available after the event
- If you have questions or problems during the event, reach out to the Moderation Coordinator for your event. He/she will relay your questions or concerns to the team at Sardius Media for further attention
After the event:
- Provide feedback to the event team (What went well? Did you feel adequately prepared? Was anything confusing or unexpected? How was your overall experience as a Moderator? What did you learn that could better prepare Moderation teams for future events?)
Admin Moderation Panel
There are a variety of tasks that a moderator can perform within the Admin Moderation Panel:
- Pin messages in Chat
- Add Hyperlinks to messages
- Reply directly to an individual’s message
- React to specific messages
- Edit a message after it’s been sent
- @mention someone who is an active Chat user
- Direct Message individual viewers
- Delete comments
- Convert comments to a Question (if Q&A room is enabled)
- “Mute” viewers who are detracting from the overall event experience or are being inappropriate
How to access the Admin Moderation Panel:
Once you have been added as a Moderator for your event, you will receive an e-mail from Sardius Control Panel inviting you to create your log-in credentials.
- Go to
- Use the e-mail address you received the invitation at as your Username and create a Password
The direct access link you were sent via email from Sardius Media is only active for 72 hours, so please be sure to log-in prior to then. If you miss that window of time, you will need to access the site above and use the “Forgot Password” link to gain access.
Note: Your Username is your email address.
Helpful Tip: If you have been a Moderator for a previous event hosted by Sardius Media, you will log-in using the credentials you previously set-up (your Username is your email address). If you don’t remember your password, please use the Forgot Password link.