Adding a Calendar Event
Access Your Calendar
Helpful Tip: An Event Window can be used in two ways: to specify a custom date range (example: for a Live Event) or as a query setup for your schedule in Sardius.Live (how many days/events to show in the schedule). If you do not use the custom date range option for an event, then the gold bar will not be displayed on your calendar as noted in the example below.
Creating a Calendar Event
- Click on Add Event under the calendar
- Click on your preferred time in the calendar
- Click on the blue Add event on the top right of the screen
Creating a One Time Event
Example of One Time Event
Creating a Repeat Event
Example of Repeat Events
Editing an Event
Note: If you are editing a recurring event, once you create a repeat event, you cannot change the repeat type (daily, weekly, monthly). You can stop this event from repeating and duplicate it to change its repeat type without losing any content.
Calendar Tips
Another option available to Duplicate or Delete a calendar event, click on the hamburger on the calendar page and select the desired action
Deleting a Calendar Event
Viewing Your Channel's Schedule