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Add Subfiles with your Asset in an FTP Watch Folder

Whenever uploading a video to a watch folder, there are times a client will want to upload some subFiles to go into that asset, like a VTT file, image, or text, such as sermon notes. Sardius now supports the ability to upload files alongside the video file.

To use this feature, the sub files must have the same file name as the video / audio file. This is how the subfiles are grouped with the asset. Secondly, each type has it’s own subType support, which gives the user a bit of control on the metadata that gets uploaded with the subFile. Please refer to the next section “Supported Naming Convention” on how this works.

IMPORTANT: In order for this to work, the files must be present in the watch folder before the video / audio file is processed. Once a file is processed, any subfiles will be ignored.


Supported Naming Convention

Extra metadata fields are also supported, depending on which sub file type it is. This is determined by if there are additional periods in the file name. The format is: 


The {extraType} and {customSubFileTitle} are not required, and depending on the sub file type, a default will be added if not present.



The supported extensions for image files are:

  • png
  • jpeg 
  • jpg


The {extraType} will be processed into the types array that is found in SCP → Asset → Images → Edit → Types


Note: This defaults to thumbnail if no {extraType} is provided

The {customSubFileTitle} will be forwarded and used for the Image File Title

  • Example: File Name 1.wide_banner.png 


We only accept specific types, which should match the list found in SCP. The available types are:

  • album_cover
  • background
  • banner
  • wide_banner
  • logo
  • cover
  • poster
  • related
  • speaker
  • thumbnail



The supported extensions for text files are:

  • doc
  • docx
  • pdf


The {extraType} will be processed into the tags array that is found in SCP → Asset → Files → Edit → Tags

No default for tags will be set. Every file coming in will have a document type on it.

  • Example: 
    • File Name 1.Study Notes.Custom File Name.pdf 


We only accept specific types, which should match the list found in SCP. The available types are:

  • Handout
  • Study Notes
  • Notes
  • Transcript



The supported extensions for subtitle files are:

  • vtt
  • srt


The {extraType} will determine the Language name that shows up in the Player Settings menu and can be whatever language is desired.

This defaults to English if none is provided.

Note: The {customSubFileTitle} is not used for VTT files

If a SRT file is provided, it will convert to VTT upon import, as the Sardius system does not support SRT files.



If a watch folder has the following files in it:
  • File Name 1.mp4
  • File Name
  • File Name 1.png
  • File Name 1.Study Notes.Custom File Name.pdf
  • File Name 2.pdf
  • File Name 3.png
This will create an asset with the File Name 1.mp4 as it’s media. That asset will also have the following: 
  • An VTT file named “English” that was converted from File Name 
  • An image with a type of "thumbnail" based on File Name 1.png
  • A file called “Custom File Name” that has a tag of Study Notes 
In this example, File Name 2.pdf is ignored since it did not have a matching video / audio file.
Also in this example, an image asset will be created based on File Name 3.png since we support creating image assets. If there was an audio or video file called File Name 3 in this folder, then that image would be have uploaded as a Sub File instead.


Retrying and Troubleshooting

If a file fails to upload, you may find a .txt file inside of the FTP upload file beside the original and named accordingly. Inside of that file is basic information such as what asset ID it created, and whether or not there was an error.
To reprocess the file for upload, simply delete the {fileName}.txt file from the watch folder and it will process again on the next cycle.
If a file fails to be processed, Sardius Support will also get an internal message and will be happy to answer any questions, should you have them. You can contact the team at or submit a ticket via the link at the top of this page.